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A. Pavlenko Fund

A. Pavlenko Fund

In Sep­tem­ber 2018, Andrei Pavlenko and Ilya Chernikovskiy estab­lished the Endow­ment Fund for assis­tance and devel­op­ment of onco­log­i­cal aid, named after the author of the idea A. Pavlenko Fund.

About the fund
The School of Practical Oncology
Communication courses for practicing oncologists

About the fund

Andrey Pavlenko from St. Peters­burg, the author of loud media project «Human Life», ded­i­cat­ed to his own fight against an onco­log­i­cal dis­ease and Ilya Chernikovskiy are not only con­nect­ed as friends and col­legues-sur­geons but also by joint char­i­ty work in the area of improv­ing the qual­i­ty of care for can­cer patients in Russia.

The accu­mu­la­tive fund is intend­ed to ensure finan­cial sta­bil­i­ty and com­pre­hen­sive sup­port for the chary relat­ed ini­tia­tives of anoth­er Andrei Pavlenko’s “brain­child” — the Can­cer Fund project. Ilya Chernikovsky is a mem­ber of the board at Can­cer Fund, he is a mem­ber of a team of experts there and curetes all projects of the foundation.

Can­cer Fund pro­grams are aimed at the devel­op­ment of onco­log­i­cal aid in Rus­sia, includ­ing sup­port for onco­log­i­cal clin­ics, edu­ca­tion of oncol­o­gists, edu­ca­tion­al work relat­ed to chang­ing soci­ety’s atti­tudes towards peo­ple with can­cer, and social and tar­get­ed assis­tance to can­cer patients.

The main programs of the fund

The School of Practical Oncology

Can­cer Fund’s title project

«Get connected!»

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion cours­es for prac­tic­ing oncologists

The School of Practical Oncology

The School of Prac­ti­cal Oncol­o­gy (SPO) is Can­cer Fund’s title project. This is a two-year voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion pro­gram with an empha­sis on exten­sive oper­at­ing prac­tice devel­oped by Andrey Pavlenko and Ilya Chernikovsky for res­i­den­cy grad­u­ates. Brand new for­mat of edu­ca­tion will pro­vide stu­dents with a broad out­look and under­stand­ing of the com­plex­i­ty of onco­log­i­cal treat­ment, includ­ing surgery, chemother­a­py and radi­a­tion therapy.

Start of classes

The launch of the School is sched­uled for Sep­tem­ber 2019, the train­ing starts with the first lev­el mod­ule — colon can­cer surgery. Dur­ing the first start­ing year of the project, par­tic­i­pa­tion of three men­tors (sur­geons-men­tors) is planned.


Those res­i­dents who pass a four-stage com­pet­i­tive selec­tion will be employed in clin­ics, where the open­ing of School sites is expect­ed; by pri­or arrange­ment, such clin­ics will be the Moscow City Oncol­o­gy Hos­pi­tal No. 62, the Cen­tral Clin­i­cal Hos­pi­tal of the Admin­is­tra­tive Board of the Pres­i­dent and the High Med­ical Tech­nol­o­gy Clin­ic (KVMT) N.I. Pirogov of St. Peters­burg State University.

Development prospects

With sta­ble financ­ing, the project will be scaled to regions, where SPO edu­ca­tion­al cen­ters will be opened on the base of var­i­ous med­ical institutions.


To cre­ate a cohe­sive, mature med­ical com­mu­ni­ty in the field of oncol­o­gy, which will accu­mu­late and trans­mit knowl­edge and skills, improv­ing the qual­i­ty of onco­log­i­cal care in Rus­sia and con­tribut­ing to the devel­op­ment of the sec­tor as a whole.

For who?

Res­i­den­cy Alumni

Training period

2 years


Sep­tem­ber 2019


SPO first level module mentors

Sur­geon oncol­o­gist, deputy. direc­tor of Oncol­o­gy Clin­ic for High Med­ical Tech­nolo­gies. N.I. Pirogov St. Peters­burg State Uni­ver­si­ty, Mem­ber of the Euro­pean Soci­ety of Sur­gi­cal Oncol­o­gy (ESSO)
Andrey Nikolaevich Pavlenko
Oncol­o­gist, colo­proc­tol­o­gist, sur­geon of the high­est cat­e­go­ry, cms, head. Depart­ment of Colo­proc­tol­ogy MCOH 62
Ilya Leonidovich Chernikovsky
Doc­tor-Colo­proc­tol­o­gist, Ph.D., Head of Colo­proc­tol­ogy of the Cen­tral Clin­i­cal Hos­pi­tal Man­ag­er of the President
Artem Leonidovich Goncharov

Communication courses for practicing oncologists «Get connectied!»

It is anoth­er impor­tant Can­cer Fund’s ini­tia­tive, imple­ment­ed with­in the direc­tion of sup­port for can­cer clin­ics and doc­tors. The goal is to devel­op and improve doc­tors’ com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills with patients and their families.

The Foun­da­tion brings in pro­fes­sion­al coach­es spe­cial­iz­ing in oncopsy­chother­a­py, which will help to build a “com­pe­tent” dia­logue with can­cer patients, which will in turn increase the effi­cien­cy of treat­ment and will help to avoid pro­fes­sion­al burnout in the long run. Reg­u­lar train­ing cours­es will be orga­nized in Moscow, St. Peters­burg and oth­er Russ­ian cities.