• +7 925 196-00-62

I.L. Chernikovskiy practicing surgeon-oncologist, СMS

Head of the Depart­ment of Onco­log­i­cal Proc­tol­ogy of the Moscow City Onco­log­i­cal Hos­pi­tal № 62

Treatmet at MCOH №62
A. Pavlenko Fund
Cancer prevetion

The main area of professional competence and scientific interests:

  • col­orec­tal tumor surgery, oncocoloproctology,
  • laparo­scop­ic and mini-inva­sive surgery for col­orec­tal cancer,
  • sur­gi­cal treat­ment of local­ly advanced forms of col­orec­tal cancer,
  • sphinc­ter-pre­serv­ing resec­tion of rec­tal cancer
Official documents


Member of organizations

John­son & Johnson
offi­cial men­tor, opin­ion leader

B. Braun Aesculap

Inter­na­tion­al col­orec­tal can­cer club
Pres­i­dent of the Russ­ian branch

Soci­ety of Onco­colcto­proc­tol­ogy Specialists
head of the Moscow branch of the society


Make an appointent with Dr. Chernikovskiy I.L. at MCOH №62

Treatment at MCOH №62

Admin­is­tra­tion of the process and oper­a­tion by the head of the depart­ment, top sur­geon I.L. Chernikovskiy.

Expert deci­sion mak­ing on the choice of treat­ment strat­e­gy in each case.

A coher­ent team of 4 expert sur­geons and oncol­o­gists, led by Chernikovskiy.
Wide exper­tise in the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion and Europe, more than 1,500 suc­cess­ful operations.

Avail­abil­i­ty of a full range of in-house specialists.

A coher­ent team of 4 expert sur­geons and oncol­o­gists, led by Chernikovskiy.
Wide exper­tise in the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion and Europe, more than 1,500 suc­cess­ful operations.

Avail­abil­i­ty of a full range of in-house specialists.

Han­dling most com­plex oper­a­tions reject­ed in oth­er institutions.

New, clean ren­o­vat­ed sur­gi­cal building.

Upto­date tech­no­log­i­cal equipment.

Very sen­si­tive, humane approach to all patients.

Ilya Chernikovsky is a mem­ber of the expert coun­cil of the foun­da­tion of his friend and col­league, Andrey Pavlenko. The Can­cer Fund char­i­ty orga­ni­za­tion exists to help peo­ple with cancer.

more about fund

Dr. Chernikovsky in the media

Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Colorectal Cancer Prevention

Col­orec­tal can­cer (CRC) is a malig­nant tumor of the mucous mem­brane of the colon or rec­tum. Colon can­cer or colon tumor is a dan­ger­ous dis­ease that requires seri­ous com­plex treatment.

The mis­sion of the foun­da­tion is to reduce can­cer death rate in Russia.


Reduc­ing meat in the diet and increas­ing the amount of fiber reduces the risk of CRC.


Reg­u­lar screen­ing from the age of 50 will help to trace the dis­ease at an ear­ly stage.

Healthy lifestyle

Smok­ing and exces­sive alco­hol con­sump­tion increase the risk of disease.


Reg­u­lar phys­i­cal activ­i­ty has ben­e­fi­cial effect on health.

Questions and answers