• +7 925 196-00-62

Марат Фаисович (en)

Марат Фаисович (en) 150 150 Doctor I.L. Chernikovskiy

I would like to sin­cere­ly thank the staff of the Moscow City Onco­log­i­cal Hos­pi­tal No. 62 and to point out pro­fes­sion­al­ism of doc­tors and nurs­es of the Oncol­o­gy Depart­ment of Onco­proc­tol­ogy, whose work gen­er­ates only pos­i­tive emotions.

Cer­tain­ly, I want to express my utmost grat­i­tude to my attend­ing physi­cian P.V. Mel­nikov, who demon­strat­ed a high lev­el of pro­fes­sion­al­ism through­out our com­mu­ni­ca­tion, was polite and patient­ly answered all my many ques­tions, shared infor­ma­tion from inter­na­tion­al prac­tice, was always open and acces­si­ble, even out­side of his work­ing time. You trust such a doc­tor and this forms a deep con­fi­dence in the suc­cess of treatment.

I would also like to thank the ordi­na­tor, who came with my doc­tor and also con­sult­ed in great detail — L.I. Markushina.

In prepa­ra­tion for the oper­a­tion, I received detailed advice on how to pre­pare for it and what to do and not to do in the post­op­er­a­tive peri­od. We dis­cussed the oper­a­tion plan and pos­si­ble com­pli­ca­tions. It was Jan­u­ary 22 and on Jan­u­ary 30 I was alrady placed in the ward! Dou­ble room! Jan­u­ary 31 oper­a­tion, Feb­ru­ary 6 was dis­charged. Every­thing went the best way!

The hos­pi­tal itself makes a very favor­able impres­sion: every­thing is clean, neat, free Wi-Fi!)), Polite and help­ful staff. I can not believe this is pos­si­ble in Rus­sia. Thank you!

Marat Faiso­vich
via Oncol­o­gy hos­pi­tal №62 website