• +7 925 196-00-62

Семья Кузьминых (en)

Семья Кузьминых (en) 150 150 Doctor I.L. Chernikovskiy
I would like to express my deep grat­i­tude and say a sin­cere «thank you» to the whole team of the onco­colo­proc­tol­ogy depart­ment of the 62nd Onco­log­ic Hos­pi­tal, the head of the depart­ment, Chernikovsky Ilya Leonidovich and the attend­ing physi­cian, sur­geon from God — Savanovich Nina Vik­torov­na, beau­ti­ful, intel­li­gent, kind, know­ing her craft, equal­ly car­ing and patient with all her patients. Her speech is so reas­sur­ing that the patient seems to be start­ing recov­er­ing just from the words and the dis­ease starts dis­a­pear­ing. Only pos­i­tive emo­tions arise at the sight of this amaz­ing unique Doc­tor and patients love her all with­out excep­tion! It seems that no dis­ease can resist her knowl­edge, the abil­i­ty to put it into prac­tice and her gold­en hands. In the depart­ment the staff is as atten­tive and car­ing as their only woman-sur­geon oncocoloproctologist.

It would be fair to call all the nurs­es — sis­ters: Sve­ta, Zhenya, Masha, Natasha and oth­ers, those who weren’t men­tionet excuse me, all are very dili­gent and kind nurs­es who know and love their work. You should have seen huge kind eyes of house­keep­ing nurse Zoya Niko­laev­na! She is ready to help and helps in every­thing, you can con­tact her on any issue — she will help both in deed and word. She meets patients like a real host of her house: with a kind smile on her face, you imme­di­ate­ly become calm and lose fear. Every morn­ing she enters the ward, casu­al­ly sorts out the blan­ket, shines her smile, will find a spe­cial word for each patient — and patients wait for the morn­ing when the first tones of her ring­ing always cheer­ing voice will be audi­ble, her voice means that she is here, with them, it means every­thing will be fine! The hos­pi­tal aides Olya, Tanya, Lyu­ba, Sve­ta, try to feed every­one, give every­one atten­tion and care. And what a dif­fi­cult job the treat­ment nurse Tanech­ka has, who makes intra­venous injec­tions and drop­pers (how dif­fi­cult it is — it’s even impos­si­ble to imag­ine). Olya — the ban­dag­ing nurse is the longest work­ing in this hos­pi­tal and does her job perfectly.

As a whole, the entire staff of the depart­ment, start­ing from the head — a pro­fes­sion­al of inter­na­tion­al class, a mas­ter of the high­est lev­el, the head of the onco­colo­pro­clo­gy depart­ment Chernikovskiy Ilya Leonidovich — are all very atten­tive, calm, kind-mind­ed peo­ple, each of whom is in the right posi­tion, knows and ful­fills his mis­sion and is reli­able sup­port for their patients who need their help! And I pray that peop­ple high­ly appre­ci­ate their indis­pens­able work, because health is every­thing and we are noth­ing with­out health. And I want their eyes to light up because of ours words of grat­i­tude! Tru­ly, they are also very mod­est peo­ple, which deserves even more admi­ra­tion! We wish them to remain just as human and patient, despite the whim­sy, dif­fi­cult patients and the incred­i­bly hard, respon­si­ble work. And thank you once again for your hero­ic and ded­i­cat­ed work! Good health, good luck and hap­pi­ness to all of You! On behalf of, I will not be afraid of this word — of ALL patients of the Depart­ment of OCP.

Kuzminy Fam­i­ly
via Oncol­o­gy hos­pi­tal №62 website